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Writer's pictureRiding Wine Co

Cappuccino or wine? Difficult decisions!! …. (Day 10 & 11 of The Grape Escape

As Bonnie was in the town centre parking again, there was the usual trepidation of whether she would be there in the morning or not. And there was no cover this time, as we haven’t replaced the cover that was stolen.

All well though – Bonnie was very much there.

We rode into Genoa town centre. Genoa town centre is largely pedestrianised. It has a maze of tightly wound alleys called caruggi, which is said to be the largest in Europe.

We were going to Manin Vino to see Elisa. I felt guilty as soon as we met, as she closed up at 2am and there I had asked her to come back at 9.30am to see us.

She brought some lovely, fresh focaccia and coffee. The Genovese tradition for breakfast is to dunk the focaccia in cappuccino or have the focaccia with white wine.

I am a saint, np less!! I went with the cappuccino option, even though we were sitting in a wine bar.

Elena, from Casa Wallace, was on her way to Berlin for a fair; but stopped in to meet us and have a quick chat. Really enjoyed meeting and talking to Elena. So far, we loved everyone associated with Casa Wallace – from Sarah and Claudio, to Consti, Elisa and Francesco. And Elena is no exception.

After a lovely chat with Elisa and meeting her parents, plus the first customers to walk into Manin Vino, we said our goodbyes and headed to Marina di Bibbona. We had a break coming up, 1.5 days of no riding and were determined to make the most of it. Translate: we were determined to come up to speed with our blog, social media, expenses, forward route planning and so on.

I know what you’re thinking …

Ok ...maybe we we didn’t come up to speed with the blog. And ok, we didn’t come up to speed with the social media. And fine, I agree that expenses did get put on the back burner.

But, but, but …we got some rest and so did Bonnie. Plus, we knew we were going to La Ginestra next; so, route planning did get done!!

We’re not all that bad after all!!

To know how we fared at La Ginestra, plus to get all the updates from our journey, follow us on Instagram. We are @ridingwineco


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